English Class Ministry

Want to learn English?

Pre-register here!

Keep scrolling for more information about the English class.

Want to volunteer?

Sign up here!

Click here for more information about volunteering.

All About the English Class

Who is the English Class for?

This class is for anyone who wants to learn or improve their English.

When is it?

Starting Feb. 20, 2024, it will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30-8:30 P.M. Dates for the spring semester will be February 20, March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, May 7, and May 21. (Classes will not be held over the summer.)

What will a typical class be like?

English language learners will start the evening with informal conversation as they enjoy snacks with fluent English speakers as well as other English language learners. Learning will continue as they do a workbook and read aloud with a tutor, build vocabulary in small groups, sing a worship song, and listen to devotions and prayer.

Where is the English Class?

Sibley Christian Reformed Church

115 Maple Drive

Sibley, IA 51249

Is there childcare?

Yes, we provide free childcare for English language learners and volunteers.

What if I can't come to the first class?

Come to the next one! We welcome English language learners at any time throughout the semester. Pre-registration is helpful but not required. Click here to pre-register.

Why do you have an English class?

We have two goals for this English Class:

  1. Teach English to English language learners so that they can have a stronger sense of belonging and can participate more in our community. 
  2. Share the gospel and our faith as we build relationships.

I am fluent in English, but I don't have any experience teaching. Can I volunteer?

Absolutely! There are many different ways to help with the English class. Scroll down to find more information about volunteering.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Lisa Wiersma is the director of the English class ministry. You can contact her at 712-441-3910 or wiersma.lisa11@gmail.com. Alejandro Victoria is our Spanish interpreter. He can be reached at 864-202-3256.


Some volunteer positions require a commitment to be at each class (although there will be some flexibility if someone needs to be absent). Some volunteer positions do not require a commitment for the full semester. The times listed indicate the approximate times that the volunteers will be expected to be present on a night of class.

Ready to volunteer? Sign up here!

The positions in this section require a 1-semester commitment (7 Tuesday evenings).



Tutors will work with students one on one or in small groups. Materials such as a workbook and reading books will be provided to help guide learning. Little to no planning is expected.

Stations Manager


The Stations Manager will maintain an area that will help students build their vocabulary. There will be a place for students to practice basic things, such as the alphabet and days of the week as well as an themed conversation area. For example, a winter themed station would include things like hats, gloves, coats, etc.

Snack Coordinator


The Snack Coordinator will line up people to provide and serve snacks each evening of class. 

Childcare Coordinator


The Childcare Coordinator will line up volunteers to take care of the children of students and/or volunteers during class.

Prayer Coordinator


The Prayer Coordinator will line up volunteers to pray during each evening class and will manage prayer requests. 

The positions in this section require being present on specific nights of class (not a full semester commitment).

Welcome Volunteers


Welcome Volunteers will greet people at the door and will help new students get registered. 

Conversation Volunteers


Conversation Volunteers will be available for conversations with people during snack time. These volunteers need to be willing to start conversations with students even if communication is difficult.

Snack Volunteers


Snack Volunteers will serve and/or provide snacks for the students and volunteers as well as for any children who we are caring for during the English class.

Childcare Volunteers


Childcare Volunteers will help take care of the children of students and/or volunteers during class.

Prayer Volunteers


Prayer Volunteers will pray at church on the nights we have class. They will have access to the list of students and volunteers as well as any prayer requests that students or volunteers submit.

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